

卡塔岩石扑克赛 2022 年版--向德兰尼游艇致敬

2022 年卡塔岩石扑克赛跑

This year’s Kata Rocks Poker Run saw the largest gathering of Axopars to attend the ‘around the island’ rally to date, with five boats completing the event ranging in size from the 22ft, 28ft and 37ft models.

Their performance was proven with the first boat back to Kata Rocks being the 37ft “Volare” with the 37ft “Noh Rules” a boat length behind. “Noh Rules” also took out first prize with the best 5 card poker hand winning a 2 nights stay at the host venue, Kata Rocks.

A special thanks to Hakan Lange from Derani Yachts for his support in rallying the Axopars!